Liturgical Guidelines

Archdiocese of Perth Liturgical Guidelines

Guidelines for Altar Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Acolytes

These guidelines are offered as the fruit of the experience of the Perth Church in regard to the development of the ministries of Altar Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Acolytes.

Gather Around

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is important for the spiritual well-being of our
children. A resource for Parishes and Schools.

Live and Proclaim God's Word

A Handbook for Readers in Parish and School. The proclamation of the Word is one of the ways in which Jesus is present in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Coordinators Manual for Junior Altar Ministers

Coordinators Training Manual for Junior Altar Ministers.

Handbook for Junior Altar Minister

Handbook for those training as Junior Altar Ministers

Handbook for Senior Altar Minister

Handbook for those training as Senior Altar Ministers

Coordinators Training Manual for Senior Altar Ministers

Coordinators Training Manual for Senior Altar Ministers.

Liturgy United in Love

A Resource for Parish Liturgy Groups.

Celebrating the Gift of the Spirit

Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

O Come Let us Adore Him

Worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass.

Sing a New Song

Guidelines for Choosing Music
A Resource for Those Preparing  Eucharistic Celebrations with Young People.

Raise Your Voice to God

This Resource is offered to parish priests, liturgical musicians and others who are responsible for preparing and presenting music in the Sacred Liturgy of the Mass.

Copyright and Church Musicians

Guidelines to assist Church Musicians to comply with Copyright Law

Blessed are Those who Mourn

Funerals and Funeral Services were once the preserve of the Churches. With the advent of secular celebrants the religious content of funeral services is often lost or deliberately omitted. Many people as a result have become confused about what is appropriate.

Choosing Music for your Wedding

A church wedding is a liturgical celebration; it is part of the public worship of the Church. It has a structure that has to be observed. Within this structure, there are places where choices have to be made, particularly with regard to the selection of readings and music.

Guidelines to assist those presenting PowerPoints in Eucharistic Celebrations