
Acolyte Ministry

Movement Form

All active Acolytes are expected to keep the Centre for Liturgy informed of any changes of address or if there is a change in the parish in which they are being invited to exercise their ministry as a permanent arrangement.

Discontinuation of Ministry Form

Any Acolyte wishing not to continue in the active ministry before the conclusion of five years is expected simply to notify his parish priest and the Centre for Liturgy of that fact.

5 Year Renewal Form

A candidate is instituted in the ministry of acolyte for his lifetime and is not required to be re-instituted.

In the Archdiocese of Perth, permission to regularly exercise the ministry is at the discretion of the Archbishop and at present is granted for a maximum period of five years, following which the Acolyte may apply for a further period of service.

Please contact our office for a renewal form.